On April 15, 2019, The Neuro welcomed members of the Bavarian Delegation who were in Montreal to learn about Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Universities. The visitors toured the BigBrain, part of Alan Evan’s lab, The Neuro’s Open Biobank and Early Drug Discovery Platform, the new 7T MRI, and the Network Neuroscience lab of Bratislav Misic.
- Prof. Dr. Godehard Ruppert President, University of Bamberg
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Wallacher, President, Munich School of Philosophy
- Dr. Florence Gauzy Krieger, Senior Scientific Officer, WKS Bavaria – Québec / Alberta / International
- Dr. Alan Evans, James McGill Professor, The Neuro
- Dr. Lindsay Lewis (seated), The Neuro
- Dr. Meike Zwingenberger, Executive Director, Bavarian Center for Transatlantic Relations Amerikahaus Munich
- Prof. Dr. Christiane Fritze, President, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Dr. Stefano Stifani, Associate Director, Research, The Neuro
- Prof. Dr. Juliane Winkelmann, Senior Vice President, Technical University of Munich
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Stüwe, Vice President, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt